Пневматические лобзики - используется для управляемого вручную разрезания различных материалов, особенно металлов и пластика, например, в машиностроении или деревообрабатывающей промышленности
The Use of the DEPRAG INDUSTRIAL Tools
Our pneumatic straight saws are suited for manual sawing of metal components or plastic components. Ideal tools for the cutting of supports, pipes, cables in the machine building, in the wood-fabricationg etc.
DEPRAG CZ a.s. offers a straight saw of type SS 150-280BX, which conforms to the highest requirements for tools used in explosion hazardous environments.
Advantages of our Straight / Jig Saws
- High separating power
The flexible construction and the high cutting power or our air saws, the use of different materials and their application, assures an efficient cutting capability in the machine buildung or in the wood-fabricating industry.
- The speed regulator assures perfect and constant cutting conditions
- Highly durable
Our air jig saws are highly reliable, the saws can be used for the cutting of different materials for varying applications in heavy-duty 24/7 industrial operations (our all-metal saw of type SS 150-280BX can also be used in potentially explosion hazardous environements - mining).
- Simple operation
The saws can be equipped with an integrated clamping device which allows deeper cutting - up to 300 mm (11.81 in).

- Kоличество колебаний для резной мощности в сталь (класс 11) - скорость разреза 27 м.мин-1 200 мин-1
- Максимальная мощность 1500 вт
- Макс. длина пильного лезвия 400 мм
- Масса 10,8 кг